
Logical list of items for a menu. More...

Import Statement: import Ubuntu.Components 1.3


  • data : list<Object>



Detailed Description

Example usage:

import QtQuick 2.4
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3
Menu {
text: "Edit"
MenuGroup {
Action { text: "Undo" }
Action { text: "Redo" }
MenuGroup {
Action { text: "Cut" }
ActionList {
Action { text: "Copy" }
Action { text: "Paste" }
MenuGroup {
Action { text: "Select All" }

Property Documentation

[default] data : list<Object>

* List of Objects in this MenuGroup * Note that when you set this property, the children of the MenuGroup will be ignored, * so do not set the list and define children.

Signal Documentation

added(Object action)

Signal called when a action is added to the list


Signal called when the contents of the group change, including child content changes (eg. ActionList child add/remove)

removed(Object action)

Signal called when a action is removed from the list

Method Documentation

addObject(Object object)

Adds an Object to the list programatically.

removeObject(Object object)

Removes an object from the list programatically.